
How to Uninstall Software -- Restoro Guide --

Removing Restoro (or your desired application) from your computer can be easily done with a few clicks. It takes less than one minute.

Attention: If you uninstall Restoro, You will need to reinstall it all over again should you need to detect errors.

Please make sure Restoro is not running before you try to uninstall It.

Read below for Windows 10, 8 or 7 systems:

Step 1: Click on the Start button then select Control Panel.
Step 2: Select Programs and then select Programs and Features.
Step 3: Choose Restoro from the program list and then click Uninstall.

Windows Vista and XP users please read the following instructions:

Step 1: Click on the Start button and select Control Panel.
Step 2: Select the Add or Remove Programs button.
Step 3: Select Restoro and click Change/Remove.
Step 4: Click Uninstall in the confirmation dialog to finish the process of uninstalling Restoro.